Complete Faculty Handbook


Academic Policies and ProceduresEquipment LoansParking and Transportation
Assignment TypeExam SchedulePay Dates
Attendance in ClassExclusion from CoursesRecreational Facilities
AuditingExpectations of FacultyReporting of Grades
Cafeterias and Dining OptionsFacilities and ServicesSummer Chair Assignments
Class RostersFaculty AssignmentsCenter for Teaching Excellence
Class Size GuidelinesForeign Faculty AssignmentsThesis Dissertation Research
Classroom AssignmentsGrade ChangesTuition Received Assignments
Contact HoursGrade RostersUVACanvas
Course RegistrationGrading OptionsVisiting Faculty
Course ChangesGrading Systems 
Credit/No CreditHonor System 
Cultural ActivitiesIndependent Study 
Emergency PreparednessLibraries 
 Nondiscrimination Policy 

Summer Session Employment

The University of Virginia Summer Session is subject to the rules and policies established by the Office of the Vice-President and Provost. Visit the Provost faculty policies page for detailed information. Policies on summer employment are available on the Provost's website. Key policies include: PROV-026: Faculty Wage Employment, University of Virginia’s Code of Ethics, Virginia State and Local Governments Conflict of Interests Act, UVA’s Policy on Drug and Alcohol Use, UVA Policy: Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment, UVA Policy: Preventing and Addressing Retaliation, Policy on Sexual and Gender-based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence, UVA Policy: Reporting by University Employees of Disclosures Relating to Sexual and Gender-based Harassment and Other Forms of Interpersonal Violence, UVA’s Policy on the Use of Electronic Communications and Social Media, The University’s Commitment to a Caring Community of Dignity and Respect.


Nondiscrimination Policy

The University of Virginia is committed to equal employment opportunity and affirmative action. To fulfill this commitment, the University administers its programs, procedures and practices without regard to age, color, disability, marital status, national or ethnic origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, veteran status, and family medical or genetic information and operates both affirmative action and equal opportunity programs, consistent with resolutions of the Board of Visitors and with federal and state requirements, including the Governor’s Executive Order on Equal Opportunity.

The University’s policies on “Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment” and “Preventing and Addressing Retaliation” implement this statement. The Office of Equal Opportunity Programs has complaint procedures available to address alleged violations of these policies.


Assignment Types During Summer Session

Faculty are employed on either a firm assignment or a tuition-received basis (TRB), as determined by the Director of  Summer and Special Academic Programs in consultation with the designated academic dean or summer chair.  In addition, faculty may be eligible to receive compensation for advising students enrolled for thesis and dissertation research, or independent study.

During the summer, a faculty member who is elected on an academic year basis may receive a maximum of one-third of the previous academic year wages from all University sources. These sources include the total of teaching in the Summer Session, research on a sponsored program, and teaching or public service with the School of Continuing and Professional Studies. The limit is based on the wages from the preceding academic year.


Faculty Assignments

Assignments for teaching are made by the Director of Summer and Special Academic Programs in consultation with the designated academic dean or summer chair.  A full load consists of teaching two courses (three semester hours each) during the combined Session II and III or one such course in Session I, II, or III.  Faculty may not teach more than one course per session aside from the combined Session II and III.

Summer salaries are based upon an instructor's base wages and rank during the preceding fall semester. There is a maximum summer wage for each rank, e.g., associate professor. A faculty member who is appointed for twelve months may not receive additional compensation for teaching in Summer Session.

If no students are enrolled in his or her course, a faculty member should promptly notify the designated academic dean or summer chair, as well as the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs. If no students are enrolled, the course will be cancelled and the faculty assignment is cancelled.

If fewer than ten students enroll in his or her course, a faculty member should promptly notify the designated academic dean or summer chair, as well as the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs. The Director of  Summer and Special Academic Programs, after consultation with the designated academic dean or summer chair, will determine the viability of the course. The faculty assignment may be adjusted as a result of the low enrollment or, the course may be cancelled.


Summer Chair Assignments

Summer chairs are appointed by the department and administer Summer Session related affairs of the department during the summer term.  Stipends are offered to chairs who are not employed under a twelve-month contract. An academic dean is assigned summer chair responsibilities in the School of Architecture, School of Education & Human Development, School of Engineering and Applied Science, and School of Nursing.

Chairs remain in residence during the contracted period. Responsibilities include advising students, coordinating class rolls and grade rosters, communicating with departmental faculty regarding all Summer Session issues and concerns, and assisting the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs with the resolution of academic issues.

Summer chairs and designated academic deans should communicate with the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs directly.


Foreign Faculty Assignments

The University does not employ a citizen of another nation unless that individual has a valid visa status for the position in question. The U.S. Department of Justice through the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Labor, Department of State, and the U.S. Information Agency are government agencies which regulate the entry into the U.S. and the employment of non-U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Thus, the hiring of foreign nationals is complicated by the involvement of such diverse branches of government.

Because of the complex nature of the laws, regulations, and practice associated with this area, the University has delegated liaison responsibility to the International Studies Office (International Students and Scholars Program, ISSP). Advice on individual situations should always be sought from this staff prior to making any final hiring offers to foreign nationals. This will alleviate potential problems and delays due to inappropriate visa status of the foreign national. It is critical that adequate time be allowed to proceed with this aspect of the assignment sequence.

Each foreign national faculty member is responsible for establishing eligibility to accept an offer of employment extended by the University by demonstrating that his or her visa documents and status are appropriate. U.S. permanent residents may accept employment without further consideration of the visa status, only if the permanent resident status is in hand. An approved petition for permanent residency does not automatically grant employment rights. Foreign nationals temporarily in the U.S. and on non-immigrant visas may not be eligible to accept summer faculty compensation. Individuals who hold visa status F or J must confirm employment eligibility with the International Students and Scholars Programs, Minor Hall, 2nd Floor, (434) 982-3010. Individuals who hold visa status of H must confirm employment eligibility with UVa Human Resources Compliance and Immigration Services, 914 Emmet St., P.O. Box 400127, Charlottesville, VA 22904. Holders of B-1, B-2, F-2 or M visa status are not eligible for employment. Other visa statuses also may not be valid for employment. Faculty members who were on a teaching assignment during the academic year preceding the Summer Session may need to have their stays extended in order to accept the summer assignment. Any concerns regarding validity of visa status or other matters pertaining to the visa regulations may be directed to the staff of the International Student and Scholar Programs, Minor Hall, 2nd Floor. All foreign nationals should check in with the office upon arrival in Charlottesville.


Tuition-Received Assignments

Some courses are offered on a tuition-received basis.  In such cases, faculty receive a portion of the tuition collected for the course they are teaching up to an approved maximum.


Thesis Dissertation Research

Thesis Dissertation Research is now being administered through the schools.  Summer Session will no longer pay faculty for supervising research.


Independent Study

Faculty members may receive compensation for supervising independent study. Students must have registered and paid for an independent study course. The amount that may be claimed is $100 per credit hour per student. To qualify for this type of pay, the faculty member must not be on a twelve-month contract and the entire summer payment may not exceed 1/3 of the wages for the previous academic year. A request for remuneration must be approved by the academic dean or summer chair of the faculty member's school or department.

Visiting Faculty

A school or department may nominate a visiting faculty member to teach in Summer Session. A letter of endorsement from the designated academic dean or summer chair is required along with a copy of the nominee’s CV. Wages will be determined by the Director of the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs and the designated academic dean or summer chair.  All visiting faculty must complete an application through A criminal background check will be run on all faculty who have not previously been employed by the University, must complete an Employment Eligibility Form (I-9) as well as tax forms in the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs. Visiting faculty are subject to University of Virginia rules and policies.


Expectations of Faculty

Contracted faculty are expected to teach all scheduled classes.  Course schedule changes must be discussed with the designated academic dean or summer chair and approved by the Director of Summer and Special Academic Programs.

Note the withdrawal deadlines for Summer Session 2025.  Faculty are asked to communicate this information to students via the course syllabus. In addition, faculty are encouraged to provide graded assignments prior to the midpoint of the course so that students receive appropriate feedback in the event they need to make a decision about a course drop or withdrawal.

Instructors should retain examinations for a year after they are administered, in order to answer any questions concerning grades or grading practice.  Some courses which do not meet on a regular schedule (e.g., dissertation research, independent study, and practical) do not require final examinations. However, instructors should retain records concerning the evaluation of student performance.

Instructors must set up UVACanvas sites for their courses. Instructions for creating a course site may be accessed here: Instructors must keep class records of attendance, marks on recitations, tests, and examinations; conduct examinations; and report final grades in the SIS within 48 hours after the final examination.


Summer Session Pay Dates 

Schedule of Pay Dates 

Summer Session follows the University's bi-weekly wage payroll schedule. All payment is directly deposited.  Faculty who have not previously been employed by the University, must complete an Employment Eligibility Form (I-9) and direct deposit form  as well as tax forms. Faculty who have had a lapse in service at UVA must complete new tax forms and a direct deposit form.  For additional information, contact Katrina Hunter in the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs at or (434) 924-6549. Foreign nationals working during the summer should contact Logan Hobbs (434) 924-1377 to ensure that all paperwork is in order.

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Academic Policies and Procedures


Course Registration 


Registration Dates

Registration begins in mid April and must be completed prior to the first class meeting.  Students may register and make payment online via the SIS. See Registration and Academic Policies for detailed information.


Grading Options

Summer Session grading options are posted here.

  • Auditing (AU)
    Students may audit courses with the permission of the instructor.  Courses taken on an audit basis have the symbol AU (audit) recorded in the grade column of the academic record.  No credits or grade points are earned in audited courses.  Because credits are not earned in audited courses, these courses are not included in the courses required to complete a degree.  Instructors have the option of determining whether students may or may not take their courses on an audit basis. The cost of auditing a course is the same as the cost of taking the course for credit. The University of Virginia does not allow faculty to let students sit in on classes.

    Students in the School of Architecture may not audit any course.  Students in the College must elect the AU option by the add deadline; they may cancel this option only through the drop deadline, in which case the course will be deleted from the transcript.  A grade of W is recorded for any student who discontinues the audit after the drop deadline or who fails to meet the instructor's standards.  If a student wishes to drop or withdraw from a course for which they chose the audit option (depending on the deadline), he or she must complete the appropriate paperwork in-person at the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs.



Guidelines for Class Size

If no students are enrolled in his or her course, a faculty member should promptly notify the designated academic dean or summer chair, as well as the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs. If no students are enrolled, the course will be cancelled and the faculty assignment becomes void.

If fewer than ten students enroll in his or her course, a faculty member should promptly notify the designated academic dean or summer chair, as well as the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs. The Director of the Office for Summer and Special Academic Programs, after consultation with the designated academic dean or summer chair, will determine the viability of the course. The faculty assignment may be adjusted as a result of the low enrollment or, the course may be cancelled.


Guidelines for Contact Hours

Sessions II and III

Sessions I, II, and III
Number of Class Meetings3919
Length of Class Meetings60 minutes135 minutes
Contact Hours39 hours40.5 hours
Meeting Time Blocks08:00 to 09:0008:00 to 10:15
 09:15 to 10:1510:30 to 12:45
 10:30 to 11:301:00 to 3:15
 11:45 to 12:45 
 13:00 to 14:00 
 14:15 to 15:15 
3-Weeks (Education)See Curry School of Education courses either online at
or the SIS Catalog for specific dates and times.

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Class Rosters

Class rosters are available through the Student Information System (SIS). Only students officially registered for the course at the time the roster is published will be listed on the roster. Instructors are required to address any discrepancies between the students listed on the roster and those attending class. 

Students whose names do not appear on the class roster should be instructed to add the course immediately. Instructors should verify all CR/NC and Audit grade options that appear on the class rosters.  Instructors should also notify the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs about students whose names appear on a class roster but who are not attending class.  Staff will follow up with these students to resolve registration issues.


Attendance in Classes

Students enrolled in a UVA Summer Session course are expected to attend each class meeting. Course requirements such as examinations, oral presentations, laboratory experiments, participation in discussion, or the like are in no sense waived because of absence from class.  Instructors may establish penalties for an absence.


Exclusion from Courses

A student who is making no real progress in a course, or whose behavior is detracting from the course, may be excluded from that course by the Director of Summer and Special Academic Programs with a grade of W or F. Students have 48 hours following written notification of this exclusion in which to appeal. The written appeal goes first to the Summer Chair of the department and then to the Director of the Office for Summer and Special Academic Programs. Until the final disposition of the appeal, the student will continue to be enrolled in the course and may continue to attend classes with the approval of the Director of  Summer and Special Academic Programs and the instructor.


Regulations Regarding Course Changes

To Drop Individual Courses

A student who remains enrolled in the Summer Session may drop a course before the drop deadline and thereby have it deleted from his/her transcript.  For procedures and restrictions, see Registration and Academic Policies.

To Withdraw from Individual Courses

After the drop deadline and before the withdrawal deadline, a student who remains enrolled in the Summer Term may, under certain circumstances, withdraw from a course with a grade of W.  Any student who discontinues a course without formally dropping or withdrawing will receive a grade of F.  For procedures and restrictions, see Registration and Academic Policies.

Extension of Time

In the College of Arts and Sciences and in the School of Education & Human Development, students who cannot complete a course on time because of illness or other extenuating circumstances may request an extension of time.  Requests for extensions of time must be submitted to the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs with the signature of the instructor and academic dean.


The notation IN (incomplete) indicates that a final grade for the course is being withheld by the instructor until the student completes all course requirements or examinations. A student may not request an IN grade in an attempt to raise his or her grade. Prior to the end of the course, students must initiate the request for an IN and secure the instructor’s approval with an Extension of Time form. Work must be completed within the number of days specified by each school. See the Undergraduate Record for details. 

When course requirements have been completed, the instructor should obtain a change of grade form from his/her department office.  The instructor must assign a grade, sign the form, and obtain the signature of the designated academic dean or summer chair. The Director of the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs will sign in place of the dean/chair for all visiting students.  The completed change of grade form must be returned to the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs. At no point may the change of grade form be in the possession of the student.

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Examination Schedule and Policies 

(Schedule of Examinations
Final examinations are given for classes during designated times at the end of each session, and only at the times designated by UREG (Office of the University Registrar). Faculty members are not authorized to change the announced times of their examinations. Such changes may be authorized only by the Director of Summer and Special Academic Programs, and then only for compelling reasons. All students must have the opportunity to take the examination at the time announced.

Students are not permitted to take a final examination before its regularly scheduled time. When genuinely serious conditions exist, students, with the consent of the course instructor, may be allowed to postpone a final examination until after the regular exam period. When the instructor concurs, the student must submit a postponement request on a form provided by the dean’s office of the school in which the student is registered. Students will then take the examination at the instructor’s convenience, usually within four weeks of the last day of the exam period.

Unexcused absence from a final examination results in an automatic grade of F in the class.


Grading Systems

Students are graded according to the school in which enrolled and not according to the school in which the course is offered. For example, an Architecture student taking a College course would be graded according to the policies established by the School of Architecture. These rules can be found in the Undergraduate Record at


Grade Rosters

Grade rosters are available in the Student Information System the Wednesday-prior to the conclusion of the course.

An instructor must complete a grade-change form for students whose names are missing from the final grade roster.  Grade-change forms may be obtained in departmental offices or at the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs.

Grades must be assigned within 48 hours after final examination. 
Instructors must keep class records of attendance, marks on recitations, tests, and examinations for one year in case questions concerning grades or grading practices arise. Faculty must enter final course grades in the SIS. The University no longer uses hard copy grade sheets.


Reporting of Grades

Grade reports are not automatically mailed to students during the summer session.  Upon completion of a course, students may view their grades via SIS Online at For detailed instructions on how to request an official transcript, see the Office of the University Registrar website at  Grades are posted to the students' records a day following their final approval by the faculty member.   Grades must be assigned within 48 hours after final examination. 


Grade Changes 

No grade may be changed after it has been submitted to the University Registrar without the approval of the dean. The dean is not authorized by the faculty to change a grade except when an instructor certifies that, because of an error in calculation or transcript, an incorrect grade has been submitted. The College limits the time in which a grade change is approved to the fall semester following the summer session in which the grade was received. The deans are authorized to change incomplete or missing grades to an F or withdrawal.

Instructors may use the SIS Grade Change system.  See Registration and Academic Policies for details.

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The Honor System

Founded in 1842, the Honor System is one of the University’s most cherished institutions.  Based on the principle that University students want to be trusted, the Honor System helps create and strengthen a school-wide community of trust.

Students at the University make a commitment not to lie, cheat or steal within Charlottesville, Albemarle County, or where they represent themselves as University students.  Because they have made this commitment, students are trusted by peers, faculty members, administrators, and community residents alike.  Students conduct themselves with integrity and are presumed honorable until proven otherwise.

Students are recruited and trained by the Honor Committee to serve as advisors and to provide counsel.  Students investigate Honor allegations, assist and support accused students through the Honor process, and work with accused students in their defense at trial.  Honor jury panels are similarly comprised entirely of students.  While anyone may report alleged Honor violations, the process is administered entirely by students. 

The vitality of the Honor System depends upon the willingness of students to uphold the high standards set by their peers.  When a student is formally accused of an Honor offense following investigation, that student may elect to either (1) leave the University, without requesting a trial (in which case that student will be deemed to have admitted guilt, whether or not such an admission is expressly made), or (2) request an Honor trial.  Any student found guilty of an Honor offense, or deemed to have admitted guilt after having left without requesting a trial, will be permanently dismissed from the University.  The notation “Enrollment Discontinued” will be placed on the student’s transcript, without specific reference to the Honor proceedings.  In the case of a student found guilty of an Honor offense following graduation, or deemed to have admitted guilt without requesting a trial after graduation, the General Faculty of the University may undertake proceedings to revoke that student’s degree.  The rules of the Honor System apply to any person who was a University student at the time an alleged Honor offense was committed, so long as a case is reported within two years thereafter. 

All students who enroll at the University, including those attending summer session only, benefit from the freedom and security provided by the Honor System; every student must agree to live by and support the spirit of honor.  Applicants who are not prepared to embrace this freedom and accept this responsibility should not apply for admission. 

This is intended as a brief summary of some important aspects of the University's Honor System.  For more information, visit If you have further questions, please call the Committee at (434) 924-7602.

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Emergency Preparedness

Please TAKE 3 minutes to focus on your all hazards emergency response. Refresh your memory on:

  1. How you will be Notified in an emergency.
  2. Where you would Evacuate from your classroom, office or building.
  3. Where you would Shelter in Place in your classroom, office or building.


  • If you are signed up for UVa. Alerts, you will receive notification via a SMS text message or e-mail. If you have not signed up, you are encouraged to do so at UVaAlerts.
    • Faculty often request that cell phones remain turned off during class.  However, we recommend that faculty designate two individuals who subscribe to UVaAlerts to leave their phones on during class to receive emergency messages.
  • Alertus Desktop Notification software has been installed on all classroom computers; Alertus Desktop Notification software is available for you to install on your personal desktop/laptop computer; if your computer is on, the emergency message will override any program and display the alert. We encourage you to download Alertus to your personal computer/laptop at ITS Desktop Alert site.
  • Along with UVaAlerts and Alertus, you should be aware of other notification tools:
    • Siren - If you are outside, you may hear a siren followed by a public address message detailing the emergency event and giving brief instructions; this will be repeated 3 times. To preview the sounds of the siren and all-clear horn, go to the Emergency website (see Emergency Horns and Sirens on right hand side of page).
    • LED - If you are in a large classroom, you may hear a tone and see the alert message on an LED screen.
    • LCD - If you are in a common area, you may see the alert message on an LCD screen.
    • Homepage - Should you be on the UVA Homepage, the alert message will be posted over the page. You will be directed to the Homepage for all updates.


  • Leave using the nearest exit or an alternate if nearest exit is not accessible.
  • Never use an elevator.
  • Take personal belongings (keys, purse, wallet, phone, etc.) but do not delay your exit in doing so.
  • Once outside, go to the designated assembly area. Designated evacuation sites can be found at: Building Evacuation Locations Follow directions of police and fire.
  • If unable to exit, move to an area of refuge, alert a contact of your location.

Shelter in Place:

  • Evaluate the situation and choose the most appropriate shelter location, for example:
    • Severe weather/Earthquake: lowest interior space away from windows.
    • Violence: secure, enclosed space, behind solid objects and away from door.
  • Move to shelter, and take personal items if space allows.
  • Remain sheltered until instructed it is safe to leave.
  • If safe to do so, monitor news sites for the latest information.

Please look at our emergency procedure poster.
If you would like more information or training, email uvaoep@virginia.eduwith your questions or contact information.

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Facilities and Services

Classroom Assignments

In October, a request for classroom preferences is distributed to all academic schools and departments along with the call for budget materials.  All classroom space is allocated by the Office of the University Registrar. Every attempt is made to honor classroom preferences.  Once space has been allocated for academic courses, UREG will assign unused space for non-academic activities. Classroom assignments may be viewed on the online Schedule of Classes through the Student Information System. No changes in assigned class meeting time or location can be made without the approval of the Summer Chair or the designated academic dean and the Director of Summer and Special Academic Programs.

The Libraries

The University of Virginia libraries play an integral role in the University’s ability to maintain its standing as a top-ranked public institution of higher education. Sixteen libraries serve the University’s undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs. They house more than 4.7 million volumes and receive more than 53,000 periodicals and newspapers from around the world. The general library collections in the social sciences and humanities are housed in Alderman Library, together with the library’s depository collections of state, federal, and international documents. The University’s world-renowned collection of manuscripts and rare books are housed in the Albert and Shirley Small Special Collections Library. The Brown Science and Engineering Library and its satellites (Astronomy, Biology, Psychology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics), serve the research needs of the University’s scientific community. Additional subject collections and services are offered by the Education, Fine Arts, and Music libraries. Clemons Library provides a general collection of frequently used materials, reserve reading, and video and audio materials housed in the Robertson Media Center. The library needs of the University’s professional schools are served by the Claude Moore Health Sciences Library, the Camp Library in the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, and the Arthur J. Morris Law Library.

Libraries at the University of Virginia are committed to the provision of cutting-edge access to information through technology. The online catalog of the collections and on-line access to newspaper and journal articles are available in all library locations, and may also be accessed from home and office computers at Electronic centers offer library users assistance with innovative technologies such as digitizing images and text and combining sound and video for multimedia presentations. User education programs assist the University community in expanding its information literacy base.


Equipment Loans and Teaching Technologies

  • The Arts and Sciences Learning Design and Technology collaborate with and support faculty as they explore how to incorporate innovative pedagogies and instructional technologies into their courses. Equipment and facilities are available to graduate students, faculty, and staff for teaching and activities supporting instruction. Students may only borrow equipment for class-related activities such as class presentations and must have their instructor fill in an authorization form prior to picking up equipment. For more information on policies, the type of equipment available for checkout and to make reservations or to give student loan authorizations, please visit
  • Clemons Library is the University’s undergraduate and high use library. In addition, Clemons Library is the primary library for the McIntire School of Commerce and houses the Library’s research collection in film studies. The library contains approximately 100,000 bound volumes, access to several hundred periodical titles and several thousand reserve readings. The Library houses approximately 150 public computer terminals, which are used for library research, word processing, classroom assignments, and electronic mail.

    Clemons Library is the location of the Robertson Media Center (RMC). The RMC includes collections of about 15,000 videocassettes and laserdiscs, 1,800 audiocassettes, and a growing collection of CD-ROM’s. All subject areas are collected and include both feature and documentary films on video, spoken-word audio and multimedia CD-ROM’s. All materials (except those on "Reserve") circulate to students, faculty, and staff. The RMC also provides classrooms for curricular viewing of video and multimedia. Call (434) 924-7409 to reserve a video or classroom, or (434) 924-8814 to speak with the Media Librarian. All media materials are listed in VIRGO, the Library’s online catalog. Visit the UVA Libraries web site.
  • The Music Library, the largest in the commonwealth, contains over 50,000 books and scores and 32,000 sound recordings. The collection has traditionally focused on classical music, jazz, and folk music; recently it added an excellent collection of opera videos, and has begun to build up its popular music collection. Students may borrow recordings and videos as well as books and scores.  For additional information, call (434) 924-7041.
  • The School of Architecture has audio-visual equipment available for use in Campbell Hall.  For additional information, call (434) 924-1413.
  • The McIntire School of Commerce has audio-visual equipment available for use in Rouss Hall. For additional information, call (434) 924-3784.
  • The School of Education & Human Development has the Curry Library Innovation Commons (CLIC): The CLIC  provides group and individual study space, public computers, printers, copiers and a free scanner (digital sender), and a presentation space. Two librarians, a social sciences data consultant, and a data specialist have offices in the CLIC and are 
  • The School of Engineering faculty members should consult their department offices for further information. 
  • The School of Nursing makes audio-visual or training aids available to their faculty. For additional information, call (434) 924-0133.

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Center for Teaching Excellence

Begun with the Provost's support and a small grant from the Virginia State Council of Higher Education Funds for Excellence in 1990, the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) is now a pan-University center for collegial community and committed conversation about teaching at all levels and in all academic disciplines. The CTE offers a number of services and resource materials designed to enhance the teaching abilities of faculty and teaching assistants at the University of Virginia. The CTE also administers several special programs, recognizing the skills and accomplishments of faculty, and aiding in the development of courses.  For more information, call (434) 982-2815 or visit 

Academic Computing (ITS Labs and Classrooms)

For information on computing facilities available on Grounds, visit  All Summer Session students are expected to access their UVa assigned email account. Visiting faculty are also expected to access their assigned UVa email accounts.


UVACanvas is the online course management tool for faculty. Information on the collaboration and learning environment available through Canvas and instructions on how to use Canvas are available at


Parking and Transportation

Parking at the University of Virginia is by permit only throughout the year. Faculty parking permits and bus passes are available for the summer at the Department of Parking and Transportation located at 1101 Millmont Street behind the Barracks Road Shopping Center. Office hours are from 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. For further information, call (434) 924-7231.


Recreational Facilities and Programs

Intramural-Recreational Sports provides comprehensive recreation facilities 7 days a week with a variety of recreation programs to meet the needs of students, faculty, staff, and their spouses. Programs include competitive intramural sport leagues and tournaments; fitness programs, such as aerobics classes, weight training workshops, personal training services, and fitness assessments; recreation instruction in aquatics, racquet sports, martial arts, relaxation, dance, first aid, and CPR; outdoor trips and workshops in hiking, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, rock climbing, and skiing; experiential learning and training programs; youth sports instruction and summer recreational day camp for children; and approximately 50 student-organized club sports.

Facilities include the Aquatic and Fitness Center, the Slaughter Recreation Center, Memorial Gymnasium, the North Grounds Recreation Center, the Outdoor Recreation Center, the Snyder Tennis Center, the Park, the Dell outdoor tennis/basketball courts, and numerous outdoor playing fields. Together, these facilities house cardiovascular and strength training equipment, as well as basketball, volleyball, squash, racquetball, handball, volleyball courts, an indoor running track, swimming pools, whirlpool, saunas, multi-purpose rooms, showers and locker rooms, an outdoor equipment rental center, and a resource library.

Recreation memberships may be purchased in person, by mail, or by fax at the Intramural-Recreational Sports Office at the Aquatic and Fitness Center, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.


Cafeterias and Dining Options

Dining options for Summer Session 2024 are being planned. Please visit for updated information in early July. If dietary restrictions are a concern, a registered dietician/nutritionist is on staff at UVA Dining.  For more information on Summer Session 2024 dining plan options and operating hours, please visit

Cultural Activities

The Fralin Museum of Art at the University of Virginia: 
The Museum is located at 155 Rugby Road and is open without charge Tuesday through Sunday, 12 - 5 pm. For more information call (434) 924-3592 or visit

Off-Grounds: The city of Charlottesville offers an impressive variety of cultural, social, and recreational opportunities. There are 23 neighborhood parks, movie theaters, museums, and a year-round ice skating rink. A thriving art, music and theater community keeps the creative spirit alive in Charlottesville. The downtown pedestrian mall is a magnet for art, music, dining, shopping, and entertainment. Other popular activities in the area include tennis, golf, hiking, horseback riding, fishing, biking, camping, hunting for antiques, and wine-tasting at some of the most renowned vineyards on the east coast. Beyond the city lie the homes of Thomas Jefferson (Monticello), James Monroe (Ash Lawn), and James Madison (Montpelier), all open to visitors.  The Blue Ridge Parkway is only twenty miles west of Charlottesville.

Other cultural events are scheduled throughout the summer. The student newspaper, The Cavalier Daily, lists these events on a regular basis. The Cavalier Daily is published weekly during the summer. UVAToday also provides news of interest to faculty and staff at Information on events sponsored by the University Program Council is available at