Examinations are to be given only during the scheduled period.
Class Meeting | Examination Day | Examination Hour | |
Session I | 0800 to 1015 | Saturday, June 14 | 0800 to 1030 |
1030 to 1215 | Saturday, June 14 | 1030 to 1245 | |
1030 to 1230 | Saturday, June 14 | 1030 to 1300 | |
1300 to 1515 | Saturday, June 14 | 1300 to 1530 |
Class Meeting | Examination Day | Examination Hour | |
Session II | 0800 to 1015 | Saturday, July 12 | 0800 to 1030 |
1030 to 1245 | Saturday, July 12 | 1030 to 1300 | |
1300 to 1515 | Saturday, July 12 | 1300 to 1530 |
Class Meeting | Examination Day | Examination Hour | |
Session III | 0800 to 1015 | Friday, August 8 | 0800 to 1030 |
1030 to 1245 | Friday, August 8 | 1030 to 1300 | |
1300 to 1515 | Friday, August 8 | 1300 to 1530 |
Class Meeting | Examination Day | Examination Hour | |
Eight Weeks | 0800 to 0900 | Friday, August 8 | 0800 to 1030 |
0915 to 1015 | Friday, August 8 | 1030 to 1300 | |
1030 to 1130 | Friday, August 8 | 1430 to 1700 | |
1145 to 1245 | Friday, August 8 | 0800 to 1030 | |
1300 to 1400 | Friday, August 8 | 1030 to 1300 | |
1415 to 1515 | Friday, August 8 | 1430 to 1700 |
Note: No reading day for session I, session II, session III and eight week classes.
Examinations for School of Education and Human Development courses will be held the last day each course meets. Due to the length of some class meetings, activities in addition to the final examination may be scheduled for the final meeting of the class. Questions about the schedule for specific courses should be referred to the course instructor.
A written examination will be held on the final day, as designated by the instructor. If the exam requires more time than the regular class period, the instructor should notify the University Registrar's Office (UREG) (434 924-4122) to avoid room conflicts. If time of examination is to be changed, the instructor should notify the University Registrar's Office (UREG) (434 924-4122) to avoid room conflicts.