Information for Admitted Students 2025

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                      Information for SLI Admitted Students 


Registration Process

The Summer Language Institute office will complete registration for all admitted SLI students by the end of May. 

For UVA Students

To confirm your registration, log into the Student Information System (SIS) the week before classes start. 

For Non-UVA Students

1. Student Information System (SIS) Account Set Up

Your course enrollment, grades, and payments will be recorded in the University of Virginia’s Student Information System (SIS). A student account will be established for you in SIS in the next few days. You should receive an email from containing your activation code/SIS ID once your account is created, so check your email and spam folder often for this information. If you don’t receive this email you can complete this form to have your SIS and computing IDs sent to you.

Once your SIS account has been created, you can create or reset your UVA password by following the instructions in the First-time Account Activation Guide. Once you have created your password you can log into SIS. These SIS FAQs should help you get started. You will need to access your SIS account to register and pay for your course(s).

2. UVA Email Account

A UVA Email Account will be created for you about 72 hours after your SIS account is created. Communications from UVA will go to your UVA email address - not your personal email address. You will need to log in and check this UVA account regularly for emails from the University about billing and course information.

Please contact the UVA Help Desk with any issues you have logging into SIS or your UVA email account.

Course Rubric and Credits 

SLI Courses: 

  • ARAB – Arabic 

  • CHIN – Chinese 

  • FREN – French 

  • GERM – German 

  • LATI – Latin 

  • RUSS – Russian 

  • SPAN – Spanish 

Credit Courses:

Students will complete the program by participating in classes and assessments. They will receive a grade based on their performance and will earn college credits.

Credit-bearing courses are identified by the following numbers: 1016, 1026, 2016, 2026. For instance, if you are taking French for credit, you will be registered for FREN 1016, 1026, 2016, and 2026.

Non-Credit Courses:

Students will also complete the program through classes and assessments. They will receive a grade for their performance, but they will not earn college credits.

Non-credit courses are identified by these numbers: 116, 126, 216, 226. For example, non-credit French courses will be FREN 116, 126, 216, and 226.

Non-Credit to Credit Switch: 

You can switch from non-credit to credit until the first day of class. 

Tuition and Fees


  • Payment is due in full by the third day of SLI classes. You can pay with most major credit cards (except Visa) or with an e-check to avoid fees. Instructions will be in the email you receive. Check fees on the SLI website.

Changing Your Registration 

If you cannot attend SLI, please inform the Office of Summer and Special Academic Programs ( right away so we can offer your spot to someone else. You can cancel without a financial penalty until the second day of classes. Even if you miss classes, you’ll be billed until you notify us of your cancellation. 

Summer Housing 

General Summer Session Housing

Note: You must be at least 18 years old to reside in summer housing.

University-affiliated summer housing is limited, typically in double-occupancy bedrooms with shared bathrooms and kitchens.

To apply, visit the Housing & Residence Life website when applications are available. If you cannot access the application, email

For questions, contact or call 434-924-3736. Housing will attempt to place SLI participants on the same floor, but roommate requests are not guaranteed. Indicate your SLI affiliation and any preferred roommate on your application.

What to Bring

For a list of suggested items to bring for a comfortable stay, check the "What to Bring FAQ."

UVA Services - Summer Session

Summer Session students can access athletic facilities, libraries, and student health services. For details, visit UVA Summer Session Student Services.

You will need a university ID card to access services and your meal plan. The ID Office, located at 525 McCormick Rd (first floor), issues cards. Bring a government-issued photo ID (e.g., driver’s license, passport).


We look forward to having you join us for a rewarding summer!